Its been a long time; since Prom I mean, but its sort of been a concept/analogy thrown around a bit lately. let me explain.
One of my colleagues who is faculty, but works in our department, values loyalty greatly. Recently he read The Last Lecture and found a quote within that book that epitomized this for him; "Dance with the one who brung you". For him, this means, if you go to the prom or dance with someone they should be the one you dance with, not others; You should be loyal to them. Now, on face value, I get this. However, I challenged him today and said, but what if everyone else at Prom helped pay for your ticket? Don't you also have an obligation to dance with them? He told me I can talk to others, mingle, but he gets to dance with me and take me in the back seat because he drove me there. I told him, a corvette doesn't have a back seat. ;) Be that as it may, my point was, while I understand being loyal and I think there is value in that, one also needs to recognize that people have many loyalties, which I think I've had to "juggle" quite frequently lately as a "middle-manager"
A supervisor and friend indicated to me today that myself and collegaues in my same position seem to be doing more complaining and a clear message of malcontent (my word, not their's) is being received. In all honesty, I think she's right. I don't know if I would describe it as complaining, but do I think we're voicing our malcontent more? Yup, I do. But, I think its because the heels we wore to prom just aren't ones that were made for dancing non-stop, all night, with everyone at prom because one of them brought us, but the others who paid for our ticket, also refuse to not get in their one slow dance with us. I mean, #1, there are only a certain number of slow dances the DJ plays during prom right? and the reality is, prom always flies by and there's still not enough time to "dance with the one (AND ONES) who brung you" and so you need to prioritize. Maybe you say, okay, well, you brung me, so I'll save the last dance for you, but I need to dance these other dances with the ones who paid my ticket. Or maybe, you can let the ones who help pay your ticket have the slow dances, BUT then you also need to dance the fast dances with others too.
The clincher here? I want the fast dances to be for my friends. I want time in-between dances that really matter to go to the bathroom with the girls, touch up my make-up, pee for Heaven's sake, and catch up on who's going to hook up with who (yes, I realize by that phrase I'm dating myself!). But when everyone's version of "who brung you" is different, then that means you have a number of people who expect dances from you. You put some off, you dance with some, the one who brung you in the car now REALLY wants you in the back seat and frankly, even if you want to go in the back seat with him or her, your shoes are killing you, you're beginning to resent him or her and frankly, how can you muster the emotional or physical strength for the back seat and all that means...
Okay, so admittedly, I got a little bit off-track, with the analogy, but that's because its a good one to get off-track with. Being in middle management, which I realize is all relative, isn't all its cracked up to be. Sure, you get to make some decisions and be privvy to some information; the operative word here being SOME. And sure you don't have to do all the grunt work, nor do you have to make all the big scary decisions on your own and take full-responsibility for them. However, you somehow have to answer to everyone. Those you supervise you have a loyalty to (they contributed to you being at prom) because you've been there recently, you know they work hard, they see things from a critical perspective and you can't do your job effectively without them. However, you also have a loyalty to colleagues. I mean they went dress shopping with you and all or went and rolled their eyes with you at the florist, picking out a corsage to match your date's dress/tie&cumberbund and lets be honest, they're the people you're going to the beach with after prom. No matter what happens, they'll be cool with you in your sweats after prom, drunk on Boone's at the beach not matter how much of an ass you act like, right? They're your day to day. Then, you of course have a loyalty to your supervisors because they drove you there, paid for the gas and corsage, and depending on what happens at prom and in the back seat, might have a lot to do with your future. In essence, you have a lot at stake by not being loyal to them. They might be really important to your future. And for them, they've been to a lot of proms, with the Homecoming Queen and the Varsity Star and the Validictorian; they have some experience, some more information and are well connected.
As a middle manager, you're just the average prom go-er who just wants to have a good time. However, you have multiple people who think they "brung" you in one way or another and want you to dance only with them. Which leads me back to having sore feet and being emotionally drained and tired of the drama and just wanting things to be like they were in kindergarden.
So, you finally want to say to the person who drove you and has been to numerous proms with the "right" people; hey, I can't keep this dance up! The band geeks and smoking area kids are pissed and want to get you behind the school to air some issues and my friends may try and tell your parents or the principal how you think you're the shit or some of them just want to be with you at all costs, and man, I like dancing with you, and may even want to get in the back seat, but you just need to show me I'm not just another one night stand, that putting these dances off, and not getting to go hear the bathroom gossip and all that, will ultimately make me have a good life AND were the right things to do, and I'll look back on my prom, have fond memories and be able to laugh!
Its 1am and I had done so good with early bedtimes. And so with that, I've decided to end my prom/loyalty analogy there. I mean, I need my beauty rest to be able to dance all prom with everyone again tomorrow and all.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ResLifeMom has clearly been holding quite a few thoughts in over the past 8 years!!!! Its time to Let them Loose!
Okay, so I just read this really interesting blog that I posted on my facebook site. Basically, its a lifelong Democrat kvetching about what's happened to her party. I couldn't agree more. The basic premise of her blog and really is what I've been stewing about for awhile, but don't discuss particularly BECAUSE of the issue (Its not safe or open for me to do so), is the Democratic party has always been for equality, justice for all, especially the oppressed, support for the middle and lower classes, inclusion, etc., etc. And because of this, I considered myself a Democrat most of my teen and adult life as well. One of my dearest childhood friends has always been (and still is based on her facebook status tonight; LOL!) a die-hard Republican, so much so, that I often didn't discuss politics with her because of our opposing views and it was just too intense..>Trace, you know I love you though, right? :) Goodness knows, I will forever remember your Giant Dukakis Salad pin. Anyway, I was so devastated in 200o when Gore lost the election to Bush because up until that point, I had viewed the Democratic party in the way I described above.
Now, I'm 8 years older and certainly, there's parts of me that have grown more conservative with age; just ask my hubby; he was a brave man to take up with me and all my liberal glory as a college student; less we remember the election during our first year of mariage. And certainly, home ownership, children, etc., etc. have played somewhat into that. Anway...I digress. So, along comes the 2004 race between Kerry and Bush. Now, I'm not crazy about Bush; he's certainly screwed some things up (Iraq or DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND BULLSHIT!), but I don't see him as this evil person responsible for sudden decline of our country on all these fronts. However, the Kerry/Edwards ticket made me cringe! Seriously, suddenly, the Democratic party took on for me, this elitist, snotty-ass, close-minded, if you don't see our way you're ignorant, stupid, and meaningless, sort of aura. I'm completely disillusioned, troubled and saddened by the "general" (because I'm making a BROAD generalization here) Democratic attitude because of the hypocrisy I see. Two examples come to mind: First, the treatment of Sarah Palin by many Democrats. Now, I know PLENTY of people who had well-informed and rationale concerns for her as a VP; these aren't the people I speak of. The people I speak of are the average Democrat who is just personally attacking in cruel and vicious ways, this woman for any and everything. I also recently saw a video of a McCain/Palin supporter march in the Upper Westside and the response from residents who tend to be Democratic, was disgusting; they were yelling in the marchers faces, giving them the finger, calling them names, etc. It was disgusting! Now, the Republican party isn't innocent and certainly, I have concerns over big-money and some of their own lack of inclusion. However, I think was disturbs me greatly is that the Democratic party stands on laurels with regard to inclusion, much more often, but has drifted away.
I see this in higher education and Res Life ALL the time. We propose to be so damn liberal, inclusive and open in academia and most specifically student affairs; ummm...we are, but only if you subscribe to all liberal thought. This came to light for me recently in my FYE class. A number of my students were discussing the fact that political ideology is more of a hot button source of conflict for students, including roommates, than religion. The expresssed their fear, anger, frustration, etc. about not really feeling safe and open to express theire opinions. Based on other comments, most, though not all, of these students are moderate or conservative. I've heard this from several colleagues or student leaders who are of the same mind-set. There are liberals, Democrats or moderates out there that TRULY understand the Democratic party roots and while they may not agree with the liberal, moderate or conservative opinion, they understand inclusion; that we all have different thoughts and beliefs and they should be respected. To you all ( one of my friends/colleague and fellow blogger is one of those key people) I have the utmost respect for you and even more so after watching how you've handled yourself through this election cycle. Regardless of your beliefs, you've opened yourself up and not judged or made uncomfortable, students, colleagues, and friends of differing political persuasions than you. I'm honored to be your friend.
Now, I know the feelings will subside over the next few months and regardless of your party, ideation or candidate you were rooting for (or dreading least..ha ha) we'll get back to normal. Obama will be in office for two terms, the Demos will have their own screw-ups, just like the Republicans have, because somehow, we all idealistically want to believe all these politicians; regardless of party we associate with, will fulfill their promises (they mostly won't and mostly can't), and 8 years from now, we'll probably be electing a Republican candidate for office. What I hope happens by then, is the Democratic party re-finds itself and a candidate who can not only represent inclusion and compassion FOR ALL, but who inspires that in others, rather than inspiring meanness and spite. I hope, whether its Obama or someone after him, that we see sometime in the next decade, a candidate in office who is TRULY role models bi (and other) partisan work and walks the talk. I hope Obama in his Presidency and those that follow in the next decade, provide us as people, but more specifically, us in higher education, the opportunity to challenge ourselves to grow as people and as a field and really be the place of honest discourse and learning that we should be.
Now, I'm 8 years older and certainly, there's parts of me that have grown more conservative with age; just ask my hubby; he was a brave man to take up with me and all my liberal glory as a college student; less we remember the election during our first year of mariage. And certainly, home ownership, children, etc., etc. have played somewhat into that. Anway...I digress. So, along comes the 2004 race between Kerry and Bush. Now, I'm not crazy about Bush; he's certainly screwed some things up (Iraq or DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND BULLSHIT!), but I don't see him as this evil person responsible for sudden decline of our country on all these fronts. However, the Kerry/Edwards ticket made me cringe! Seriously, suddenly, the Democratic party took on for me, this elitist, snotty-ass, close-minded, if you don't see our way you're ignorant, stupid, and meaningless, sort of aura. I'm completely disillusioned, troubled and saddened by the "general" (because I'm making a BROAD generalization here) Democratic attitude because of the hypocrisy I see. Two examples come to mind: First, the treatment of Sarah Palin by many Democrats. Now, I know PLENTY of people who had well-informed and rationale concerns for her as a VP; these aren't the people I speak of. The people I speak of are the average Democrat who is just personally attacking in cruel and vicious ways, this woman for any and everything. I also recently saw a video of a McCain/Palin supporter march in the Upper Westside and the response from residents who tend to be Democratic, was disgusting; they were yelling in the marchers faces, giving them the finger, calling them names, etc. It was disgusting! Now, the Republican party isn't innocent and certainly, I have concerns over big-money and some of their own lack of inclusion. However, I think was disturbs me greatly is that the Democratic party stands on laurels with regard to inclusion, much more often, but has drifted away.
I see this in higher education and Res Life ALL the time. We propose to be so damn liberal, inclusive and open in academia and most specifically student affairs; ummm...we are, but only if you subscribe to all liberal thought. This came to light for me recently in my FYE class. A number of my students were discussing the fact that political ideology is more of a hot button source of conflict for students, including roommates, than religion. The expresssed their fear, anger, frustration, etc. about not really feeling safe and open to express theire opinions. Based on other comments, most, though not all, of these students are moderate or conservative. I've heard this from several colleagues or student leaders who are of the same mind-set. There are liberals, Democrats or moderates out there that TRULY understand the Democratic party roots and while they may not agree with the liberal, moderate or conservative opinion, they understand inclusion; that we all have different thoughts and beliefs and they should be respected. To you all ( one of my friends/colleague and fellow blogger is one of those key people) I have the utmost respect for you and even more so after watching how you've handled yourself through this election cycle. Regardless of your beliefs, you've opened yourself up and not judged or made uncomfortable, students, colleagues, and friends of differing political persuasions than you. I'm honored to be your friend.
Now, I know the feelings will subside over the next few months and regardless of your party, ideation or candidate you were rooting for (or dreading least..ha ha) we'll get back to normal. Obama will be in office for two terms, the Demos will have their own screw-ups, just like the Republicans have, because somehow, we all idealistically want to believe all these politicians; regardless of party we associate with, will fulfill their promises (they mostly won't and mostly can't), and 8 years from now, we'll probably be electing a Republican candidate for office. What I hope happens by then, is the Democratic party re-finds itself and a candidate who can not only represent inclusion and compassion FOR ALL, but who inspires that in others, rather than inspiring meanness and spite. I hope, whether its Obama or someone after him, that we see sometime in the next decade, a candidate in office who is TRULY role models bi (and other) partisan work and walks the talk. I hope Obama in his Presidency and those that follow in the next decade, provide us as people, but more specifically, us in higher education, the opportunity to challenge ourselves to grow as people and as a field and really be the place of honest discourse and learning that we should be.
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Schedule that Could Rival an Air-Traffic Controller's and Millenial Musings
Okay, so I'm eating lunch in relative peace and quiet at my desk; NO ONE is in the office; aaah. So, I decide I'll catch up on my blogging as I did a week and a half ago and after blogging for ONE HOUR, I went to post, forgot my password and lost it all :( So, I'm back on.
Okay, so my title, right? A Schedule that Could Rival an Air-Traffic Controller's; what's that all about you ask; well, it is what it is :) I have been saying lately, that this is how I describe my schedule this year. Basically, is that its this intricate network of comings and goings and soccer/gymnastics/dance/scouts/whatevering it up for Kevin and I. So, my oldest, Autumn, made competitive soccer this year. We've been practicing once a week for the past month; enter the start of the winter season this month, AND enter an additional practice AND a game each week. So, what this means is that every other week from now until God knows when..June I think...Autumn has dance on Monday evenings, Soccer practice Tuesday evenings, Soccer Practice Wednesday evenings, Girl Scouts (of which I'm co-leader, which you see means some responsibility and prep work) Thursday evenings, Soccer games Saturday mornings, along with Abbie's (my youngest) entrance into extra-curricular life with gymnastics practice also on Saturday mornings. That's quite a recipe you say, or schedule of comings and goings. Well, then, add a dose of Kevin's religion classes on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday nights this year depending on the month, Autumn's religion class on Sunday mornings and my crazy non-traditional hours res life job and there you have it; a schedule that could rival an air-traffic controller's! I think its particularly noticeable right now because Autumn also is like, NEVER in school in the month of November! I though we were bad here at BU with no school in September, but its crazy; every year, 4 half days, veteran's day off and then Thanksgiving break. So then, in addition to juggling the crazy schedules are juggling work schedules and who is going to take off when to be with which child where...Phew; that was a mouthful! So I need to get used to these varied flight patterns and departures and take offs and then BAM; I need to acquire a couple of re-surging airlines for some additional scheduling; like maybe working out again and seeing if I can still run after 2 months off? maybe seeing friends once in a while , going to crafting, etc. Let me tell you how amazing it was on Saturday to go with just Autumn and spend TWO HOURS, that's right I said TWO HOURS at the Endicott Teachers Association Craft Fair; it was Heaven! I remember going to tons of church fairs and stuff with my Mom and Nanny on the weekends and I loved it even as a kid, never mind as an adult indulgence of which I don't get to partake too often. So, here's my challenge to all my female adult friends in the field with crazy schedules of their own; Can we do it? Can we find a time to be stereotypical women and spend a few hours one weekend day paruseing church and other fairs? We shall see.
Then of course there's holiday shopping AND making some semblance of normal healthy meals for my family. I know, I know, all the super mom books will tell you "its okay" to do take out, micro meals, etc. and I really don't want to play into being a manic Super Mom (though I admit I'm not too successful at evading this), but having once in a while healthy meals and sitting down together as a family is something I've prided myself on up until now. Maybe my balance will be, one week of quicky meals and then a week of healthy ones given my every other week manic schedule. We shall see, we shall see, we shall see. This however is why I have an air traffic controller's schedule; which is also what brings me to my millennial musings.
I recently posted on my facebook status that sometimes I want to have a millennial attitude. Its so true. Now, I know the millennial characteristics don't apply at all times, or even to all millennials (case in point, my fellow Res Life Mom who I'm pretty sure is a GenXer trapped in a millennial body); anywho, this is my musing so it is what it is :) Okay, so when I posted that status, this is what I meant; I want to be able to assert myself with whomever, and challenge others even when they're "authority" without fear of negative reprecussions. Seriously. This connects to the entire schedule thing; I promise. So, often my GenX counterparts and myself kvetch a bit about our millennial staff, students, family, etc. We don't hate; my staff, students, family, etc. who fit the millennial bill; I love you, I really do; but honestly, at times you drive me INSANE! One of the key issues is the strict parameters that millennials establish around their work and personal lives. We as genxers supervisors are like; seriously? Just do you freakin' job in the spirit in which it was intended (by this I usually refer to a live-in position). But this is my main musing about this prime issue with millennials; we're jealous and resentful. I guess we could attribute it to our GenX cynicism, but really, I think the issue is partly, yes, give it your all and do the damn job, but partly, we wish we could bring ourselves to do the same thing. Even when we can, we don't; Even when people tell me I can leave early, come late, skip something, I feel intense guilt about it; that's if I even do it. So this is my life; I've mentioned this before; constant guilt at work and home.
Even my colleagues and friends who are not moms, but have other important priorities in their lives experience this. A couple millennial friends/staff/etc last week made comments that brought this to light for me more than usual, BUT it was my day off on Thursday that really hit it home. So, I had this grandiose plan to come into work, leave for a few hours, come back on Thursday and Friday at different times to meet different needs with the air traffic controller schedule. Then, on Thursday morning, I realized our signals had crossed (we know what happens when that happens in air-traffic controlling; DISASTERS) and Kevin had an obligation for work when Abbie had her first school Halloween parade and party. In addition, I felt run down, crampy (yes, I also had PMS; WHAT OF IT??!!!) and generally like CRAP. So, I bit the bullet, called my boss (interestingly enough, ALSO a Genxr, so I worry about her response/thoughts) and took the entire day off. It was HEAVEN! When two of my friends posted on my facebook status, indicating my joy, about their jealousy, I commented to one of them something to the effect of : Did you know there are people out there who don't live their jobs? One of my faculty colleagues summed it up last week; he said, sometimes, I wonder, what would it be like to be a truck driver, or a job that when your shift was done; you left it behind at work and went home and focused on home. How true; I mean I get the salaried versus hourly and "other duties as assigned concept", though while its maintained our union prevents this from being in our contract, lets be honest, its in our contract :) But my day on Thursday was wonderful, relaxing and revitalizing. I slept in a wee bit, went to Abbie's preschool for her Halloween party, which was AWESOME :) then went home, took Autumn to lunch, dropped her off at home, went to her Parent Teacher conference, then went home and had a nice dinner and hung out with the family. It was great, great, great and I need to focus on WW(a)MD? What Would a Millennial Do? I think sometimes when I just need to be a person, or a mom or a wife or whatever and if I have the time, TAKE IT. So what if I have to reschedule something, missing one day of work, one meeting, etc. isn't going to make or break my success as a professional. In fact, because I come back so positive, it may just make me a better professional, and it DEFINITELY makes me a better mom and wife!
Okay, so my title, right? A Schedule that Could Rival an Air-Traffic Controller's; what's that all about you ask; well, it is what it is :) I have been saying lately, that this is how I describe my schedule this year. Basically, is that its this intricate network of comings and goings and soccer/gymnastics/dance/scouts/whatevering it up for Kevin and I. So, my oldest, Autumn, made competitive soccer this year. We've been practicing once a week for the past month; enter the start of the winter season this month, AND enter an additional practice AND a game each week. So, what this means is that every other week from now until God knows when..June I think...Autumn has dance on Monday evenings, Soccer practice Tuesday evenings, Soccer Practice Wednesday evenings, Girl Scouts (of which I'm co-leader, which you see means some responsibility and prep work) Thursday evenings, Soccer games Saturday mornings, along with Abbie's (my youngest) entrance into extra-curricular life with gymnastics practice also on Saturday mornings. That's quite a recipe you say, or schedule of comings and goings. Well, then, add a dose of Kevin's religion classes on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday nights this year depending on the month, Autumn's religion class on Sunday mornings and my crazy non-traditional hours res life job and there you have it; a schedule that could rival an air-traffic controller's! I think its particularly noticeable right now because Autumn also is like, NEVER in school in the month of November! I though we were bad here at BU with no school in September, but its crazy; every year, 4 half days, veteran's day off and then Thanksgiving break. So then, in addition to juggling the crazy schedules are juggling work schedules and who is going to take off when to be with which child where...Phew; that was a mouthful! So I need to get used to these varied flight patterns and departures and take offs and then BAM; I need to acquire a couple of re-surging airlines for some additional scheduling; like maybe working out again and seeing if I can still run after 2 months off? maybe seeing friends once in a while , going to crafting, etc. Let me tell you how amazing it was on Saturday to go with just Autumn and spend TWO HOURS, that's right I said TWO HOURS at the Endicott Teachers Association Craft Fair; it was Heaven! I remember going to tons of church fairs and stuff with my Mom and Nanny on the weekends and I loved it even as a kid, never mind as an adult indulgence of which I don't get to partake too often. So, here's my challenge to all my female adult friends in the field with crazy schedules of their own; Can we do it? Can we find a time to be stereotypical women and spend a few hours one weekend day paruseing church and other fairs? We shall see.
Then of course there's holiday shopping AND making some semblance of normal healthy meals for my family. I know, I know, all the super mom books will tell you "its okay" to do take out, micro meals, etc. and I really don't want to play into being a manic Super Mom (though I admit I'm not too successful at evading this), but having once in a while healthy meals and sitting down together as a family is something I've prided myself on up until now. Maybe my balance will be, one week of quicky meals and then a week of healthy ones given my every other week manic schedule. We shall see, we shall see, we shall see. This however is why I have an air traffic controller's schedule; which is also what brings me to my millennial musings.
I recently posted on my facebook status that sometimes I want to have a millennial attitude. Its so true. Now, I know the millennial characteristics don't apply at all times, or even to all millennials (case in point, my fellow Res Life Mom who I'm pretty sure is a GenXer trapped in a millennial body); anywho, this is my musing so it is what it is :) Okay, so when I posted that status, this is what I meant; I want to be able to assert myself with whomever, and challenge others even when they're "authority" without fear of negative reprecussions. Seriously. This connects to the entire schedule thing; I promise. So, often my GenX counterparts and myself kvetch a bit about our millennial staff, students, family, etc. We don't hate; my staff, students, family, etc. who fit the millennial bill; I love you, I really do; but honestly, at times you drive me INSANE! One of the key issues is the strict parameters that millennials establish around their work and personal lives. We as genxers supervisors are like; seriously? Just do you freakin' job in the spirit in which it was intended (by this I usually refer to a live-in position). But this is my main musing about this prime issue with millennials; we're jealous and resentful. I guess we could attribute it to our GenX cynicism, but really, I think the issue is partly, yes, give it your all and do the damn job, but partly, we wish we could bring ourselves to do the same thing. Even when we can, we don't; Even when people tell me I can leave early, come late, skip something, I feel intense guilt about it; that's if I even do it. So this is my life; I've mentioned this before; constant guilt at work and home.
Even my colleagues and friends who are not moms, but have other important priorities in their lives experience this. A couple millennial friends/staff/etc last week made comments that brought this to light for me more than usual, BUT it was my day off on Thursday that really hit it home. So, I had this grandiose plan to come into work, leave for a few hours, come back on Thursday and Friday at different times to meet different needs with the air traffic controller schedule. Then, on Thursday morning, I realized our signals had crossed (we know what happens when that happens in air-traffic controlling; DISASTERS) and Kevin had an obligation for work when Abbie had her first school Halloween parade and party. In addition, I felt run down, crampy (yes, I also had PMS; WHAT OF IT??!!!) and generally like CRAP. So, I bit the bullet, called my boss (interestingly enough, ALSO a Genxr, so I worry about her response/thoughts) and took the entire day off. It was HEAVEN! When two of my friends posted on my facebook status, indicating my joy, about their jealousy, I commented to one of them something to the effect of : Did you know there are people out there who don't live their jobs? One of my faculty colleagues summed it up last week; he said, sometimes, I wonder, what would it be like to be a truck driver, or a job that when your shift was done; you left it behind at work and went home and focused on home. How true; I mean I get the salaried versus hourly and "other duties as assigned concept", though while its maintained our union prevents this from being in our contract, lets be honest, its in our contract :) But my day on Thursday was wonderful, relaxing and revitalizing. I slept in a wee bit, went to Abbie's preschool for her Halloween party, which was AWESOME :) then went home, took Autumn to lunch, dropped her off at home, went to her Parent Teacher conference, then went home and had a nice dinner and hung out with the family. It was great, great, great and I need to focus on WW(a)MD? What Would a Millennial Do? I think sometimes when I just need to be a person, or a mom or a wife or whatever and if I have the time, TAKE IT. So what if I have to reschedule something, missing one day of work, one meeting, etc. isn't going to make or break my success as a professional. In fact, because I come back so positive, it may just make me a better professional, and it DEFINITELY makes me a better mom and wife!
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